• gazed at the clouds
• walked barefoot in the grass
• waded in a creek
• stargazed
• played with an animal
• watched a sunrise
• watched a sunset
• went on a picnic
• tended a garden
• appreciated a tree?
Most of us in our busy lives do not take much time to enjoy the wonders of nature. There is more and more research that shows the benefits of being in and interacting with nature. Nursing home residents given a plant to care for tend to live longer. The CDC reports that pet ownership can decrease your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and feelings of loneliness while increasing your opportunities for exercise, outdoor activities, and socialization.
Many hospitals and treatment centers, including our own Willowbrooke at Tanner, use pet (or animal-assisted) therapy, horticulture therapy, and equine therapy as tools for helping people to be healthier and happier.
So when you get a chance enjoy the beauty, the wonders, and the health-promoting properties of nature. Remember that you are a part of nature, too. So appreciate and take care of your amazing body and mind.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
and whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
From Desiderata by Max Ehrmann
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