Monday, November 30, 2009

holiday grief

It seems impossible that the Holiday season is here with all its excitement and anticipation. Everywhere we look there are decorations and bright lights. Friends and family are planning celebrations, baking cookies, and buying gifts. But if someone you loved has died, the lights don’t seem as bright and Holiday cards and Holiday greetings seem empty and can bring on feelings of loss, sadness, and emptiness.

There is no solution that will meet everyone’s needs during the season but some of these suggestions may help.
1. Allow yourself to feel and express your emotions. Don’t feel guilty about
how you’re feeling. Take time to be alone or cry if you need to. Family and friends will understand.
2. Talk about the person who has died. Your pain won’t go away by ignoring
your grief. Sharing memories can bring a smile.
3. Try to eliminate unnecessary stress. If it’s difficult for you to go to the mall,
try shopping on the internet.
4. Try not to isolate yourself. Spend time with family and friends.
5. Do something different. Make a change in your family traditions or do something special to honor your loved one.
6. Express your faith. Your beliefs are important and will give you comfort.
7. Stay healthy. Try to exercise and eat well. Rest and sleep –your body needs this. Avoid excessive drinking as a way to avoid your feelings.
8. Most of all take care of yourself. Don’t try to live up to others expectations. Set limits, your family and friends will understand.

On a personal note, this will be the first Christmas without my husband and I know it will be a sad time for me. The Holidays won’t be the same but the memories of our past Holidays together will always be with me and will help me get through this difficult time.

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