Monday, April 29, 2013

Do the 12-step

No, it’s not a new dance – it’s a program that was developed 70 years ago that has helped millions of people recover from addictions of every variety and is now being applied to all kinds of stressors. Whether you have a substance abuse issue (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Nicotine Anonymous, et al), a behavioral issue (Overeaters Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Debtors Anonymous, et al), emotional issues (Emotions Anonymous, Adult Children of Alcoholics, et al), or relationship issues (Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, Codependents Anonymous, et al) there are 12-step groups and materials that can help you to cope in healthier ways and to take better care of yourself. There is even a group called “12 Steps for Everyone” because this program has proved to improve people’s lives even if they don’t have a “problem”.

While it is not a religious program the 12-Step program does emphasize spiritual growth by encouraging the asking for help from a “Higher Power”, whatever that may mean to you. These 12 suggestions (not rules) are:

1. We admitted our lives were out of control

2. Accepted that a Higher Power could help us

3. Got out of the way to let it happen

4. Took a hard, honest look at our lives

5. Told someone the truth

6. Got ready to change

7. Humbly asked a Higher Power to help us change

8. Remembered all the people we hurt

9. Made it right with them whenever we could

10. Continued to stay honest

11. Put our Higher Power in charge every day

12. Tried to live our values and help others

(copyrights Hazelden Information & Educational Services)

Attending a support group can help in many ways. Meeting with other people that are dealing with similar situations helps us to not feel so alone. Sharing with each other allows us to learn from other’s successes and mistakes and helps us to get the good feeling that results from helping others.

If you would like to get more information on 12-step programs or local support groups, or if you just want a confidential place to tell your truth (step #5) and bounce some ideas around, call us at 770-834-8327 or email us at

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